Discover The Secret Source Of

Success That Will Allow You To

Grow Your Business & Attract Consistent Income While

Being Happier & Healthier

Without Hustling Yourself

To Burnout

Discover The Secret

Source Of Success

That Will Allow You To

Grow Your Business

& Attract Consistent

Income While Being

Happier & Healthier

Without Hustling

Yourself To Burnout

Even If You Feel Like You Don't Know What

You're Doing Or Are Nervous When

Introduced As An Entrepreneur

Even If You Feel Like You

Don't Know What You're

Doing Or Are Nervous

When Introduced As An


Do you remember how it all began? Not too long ago, you had a dream you had ambition and you thought you had time.

Time to start a business, grow it, and turn it into something that would create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

For you maybe it was consulting, maybe it was freelancing, maybe it was e-commerce, or maybe it was something else.

Whatever it was the only thing that mattered was that it was yours and it would give you the life you’ve always wanted -vacations, more time with your friends and family, a retirement fund, and making an impact.

And your business was going to do all that for you.

And to think, it all came from following your passion and using your innate talents and abilities to not only help yourself, but also impact your customers, and your community.

And here you are years later still stuck in the same place, with the same dreams, with the same plans.

Things didn’t work out the way you thought they would have.

And it has nothing to do with your skills, or how smart or capable you are.

It has everything to do with unlocking your Intuitive Intelligence.

Which is your inner powerhouse of guidance, confidence, clarity, and laser focus and allows you to make the right moves at the right time in your business for the maximum impact.

Only a handful have used it to skyrocket their businesses while the rest spin their wheels trying to keep up and those who do it mostly do it unconsciously so now you’re about to be one of the few who do it consciously.

And if you had known this one thing when you first started...

And if you had known

this one thing when

you first started...

You could have created a thriving, sought-after business bringing you the freedom and lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of and if you did that, you wouldn’t be here reading this page.

But because you are here in the next few minutes, I’m going to show you a groundbreaking method to become the entrepreneur you were always meant to be that will accelerate your business growth and allow you to gain the personal, financial, and time freedom you deserve so you never have to struggle with inconsistent growth again.

And all without sacrificing yourself or the unique appeal of your products and services.

All that and more is going to happen for you, but only if you allow it.

Just like Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rowling, Arianna Huffington, Jessica Alba, and Sara Blakely allowed it.

And once you do allow it to

happen for you…

And once you do

allow it to happen

for you…

It’ll give you the business you’ve always wanted.

Which will turn into the life you’ve always dreamed of and experiences that you always deserved but never had a chance to reach.

So close your eyes and once you open them you’re looking at your future.

Because when you know how to become the entrepreneur you were always meant to be then you’ll be able to make the right moves at the right time so you have an impactful sought-after business without compromising your happiness, relationships, or health.

Because the best part of being a business owner is the freedom, the joy, and the fulfillment.

There’s nothing quite like it. 

So hang tight cause in the next few minutes, I’m going to share with you how you can have a fulfilling business where you’re following your passion and have the freedom you deserve.

First, let’s talk about your situation.

You’ve probably tried other solutions to grow your business before maybe following the latest marketing hype, or attending networking events, or getting the newest certifications in your industry, or even creating the snazzy, updated website.

And like me realized that all the late nights and tactics, tricks, and strategies you’ve tried didn’t really work.

Which means you have a problem and you don’t have a solution.

So it’s great that you’re here with me now because after you discover what I show you, your business is going to change forever.

There have been hundreds of other women who went through a similar experience as you.

Who are now celebrating their growing, successful businesses and the customers and clients they get to work with.

Hey, I'm Kate B Wright

I’ve been an entrepreneur for the past 11 years and a coach for the past 10 years.

I’ve worked with women (and men) to build thriving businesses, careers, and relationships over the past 10 years.

Whatever your situation is I want you to know you’re not alone

When I started my first business I often wondered how some entrepreneurs were so “lucky”, making it look so easy while I was stressed, overwhelmed, and burnt out.

I’d see them finding new opportunities around every corner, growing their businesses with ease but no matter what I tried I was getting so-so results.

So of course I found myself amazed at their ability to find their flow and bounce back from challenges stronger than before.

And that left me wondering why I was working twice as hard, twice as much, and getting half the results.

Which lit a fire under me to find out what the hell their edge was. 

And how could I get it too!

After spending more than 10 years researching, studying, and experimenting it’s all come down to one thing and one thing only.

Which is that your natural Intuitive Intelligence is just waiting for you to unlock it so you’re achieving your aspirations with ease. 

You may have noticed that some tasks in your business or life feel energizing while others weigh you down.

So why is it that some tasks feel like a breeze while others feel like you're climbing Mount Everest without a guide?

Here's the secret: It's not that the tasks are inherently easy or hard. 

Because if you look around you’ll see other women doing it and succeeding without breaking a sweat. 

The difference isn't in the tasks or the business model—it's in the blocks that are keeping you from your Intuitive Intelligence and therefore your fullest life of success, happiness, and freedom.

It all comes down to removing these blocks and allowing your Intuitive Intelligence to guide you to your next level of success and your highest level of happiness, and impact just like Oprah Winfrey did.

And not just Oprah Winfrey, but also Estee Lauder, Arianna Huffington, Jessica Alba, Tory Burch, and J.K. Rowling.

You see the largest companies and brands in the world didn’t come from logical planning, thinking, or beating their heads against the wall

They were created from Intuitive Intelligence.

You see the logical mind serves its purpose, but it is not in creativity, passion, purpose, or destiny.

Unblocking your Intuitive Intelligence opens up a whole new worlda world of success, happiness, joy, impact, and freedom.

A world you’ve been dreaming of and struggling to create only through the logical mind - thinking and thinking and thinking of how to get there.

What if you already know what you’re meant to do and how you’re meant to do it and it’s just a matter of tapping in and listening?

You’ve likely been following the best-laid plans and everyone else’s advice, systems, and processes only to find you’re still searching for the right path, the right next steps to create your wildly successful business.

And the more you search, the more you find yourself stuck, unsure, and full of worry, and doubt.

Now, seeing the success of Oprah whether or not you’ve ever watched her show, read her magazine, or checked out her book club you’ve seen the impact that she’s had on millions.

You’ve seen the profound happiness, success, and joy that she’s had creating it.

And as she states she attributes it all to her Intuitive Intelligence: “My business skills have come from being guided by my inner self - my intuition.”

Using the logical mind you can only see what’s right in front of you. 

What others are doing or not doing.

But that’s not your path. 

If it was those strategies and tactics would have worked already.

So Today I'm Going to Hand You The Blueprint That's Going to Unblock Your Intuitive Intelligence

So Today I'm Going

to Hand You The

Blueprint That's

Going to Unblock

Your Intuitive


So you can grow your business confidently without ever having to sacrifice your happiness, or yourself again.

And this blueprint is based on that one premise that unblocking your Intuitive Intelligence is the pathway to your highest success and happiness.

Otherwise, why is it that these massively successful entrepreneurs are not 2 times smarter than you on an IQ test and yet they are 10 times more successful than you?

It all comes down to releasing the blocks to your Intuitive Intelligence.

As Oprah says “Trust your instincts. Intuition doesn’t lie.”

It’s in following your own truth, your own guidance, your own intuition that you find your path that brings you the success that you dream of.

And once you discover how to remove the blocks everything is easy - your business becomes a magnet for new opportunities, for consistent growth and income as well as happiness, and fulfillment.

As Barbara Corcoran of Shark Tank shares “What women will do is take a leap of faith and listen to their intuition even when it doesn’t measure up against logic, and that is powerful in business.”

The best thing is that this instinctual Intuitive Intelligence works in any market, any niche, and any economy.

This surprising approach will have you reaching your highest success and happiness so that you’re growing your business on your terms without hustling and grinding.

So you can finally have the business that you’ve been dreaming of so you have the life you deserve.

You’ll find yourself focused having instantly ended and removed all distractions, and procrastination, optimizing your time so you’re propelling your business forward.

Identifying and effectively executing the right moves, at the right time, that have the highest impact on growing your profitable business while you’re enjoying life.

Spending valuable time with friends and family, or enjoying a long weekend of relaxation, and rejuvenation, or taking the vacation you’ve been putting off. 

In turn, you will naturally stay energized and motivated so you’re at the top of your game without getting overwhelmed or burnt out.

If that’s something you want to discover, then you’re in the right place. 

This will show you an entirely new way to create a prosperous business and life.

So how do you think you would do it?

What you’re thinking isn’t going to get you there, otherwise, you would have already done it, so…

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